Saturday, November 07, 2009

red boots

my mom gave me some birthday bucks that i've been saving for a treat for myself. so here is my question to you: do i really want these shiny red vegan boots? or do i not?


pixiegenne said...

you do. you really, really do.
(happy birthday!)

erin said...

I'm sure you deserve them, but I can't advise you at all. I have a horrible time buying things for myself. I always end up getting Jeremiah or the kids something.

mama d said...

Yes, I'm pretty sure that you absolutely want them! They would perk you up all during the long Maine winter.

Melissa Crowe said...

Ooh, ooh, I love Moo Shoes. And these are pretty sweet in yellow, too, right?

Michael said...

yes. yes. yes. they will bring you so much happiness in the dark and gloomy months ahead.

mh said...

The boots have arrived.