The drive was so quick. Emily and I talked the whole time, fueled by iced coffee and salty snacks. Above, please admire Emily's travel skirt. Although it has a pleated bustle in the back, and although I did actually take a picture of her butt without her permission, I hesitate to share it here. See what a good friend I am?
Holly cooked delicious food for us. She likes to disparage her own cooking, but I love to be fed by her. The cherry tomato and mozzarella salad above also had roasted Brussels sprouts in it. And below, behold her homemade granola, all fruited and yogurted, which was sublime.
Holly's kids are two of my very favorite people in the world. Here's Maia demonstrating how alarmingly large their kittens have grown. These cats are enormous (not fat, just large), and so loving and sweet. Also, they kind of look like they were drawn by Edward Gorey.
The three of us started our Saturday at Ikea, shopping and snacking, moving at exactly the same pace--ideal Ikea companions. I bought some perfect-colored bowls. By perfect-colored, I mean Melissa Crowe blue.
After filling Holly's trunk with Ikea loot, we walked around New Haven, browsing in bookstores and shops, drinking coffee, talking and talking. We stayed for dinner at Red Lentil, which was pretty great despite our waitress, who awkwardly made disparaging comments about meat eaters to my two meat eating friends. For example, "Are your kids probably at home eating pizza rolls?" Also, she called us "girls" about seven hundred times, and after neglecting us for a long time and seeing our water glasses empty, said, "Are you dehydrated? OH, I SUCK!" But the food more than made up for it.
Besides our outing on Saturday, we spent hours sitting right here at Holly's kitchen table. Emily crocheted (see above to be really amazed and a little jealous), the cats wrestled. I didn't ever want to leave.
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