Friday, February 24, 2012


Just kidding. No bathroom photos yet, and--no joke--we hereby begin day number six sans toilet. This post exists for two reasons. First, to share a photo of my favorite plumber at the hardware store (they've got a great bathroom!).

Hardware stores (big and small) smell so good. And they remind me of high school too, since my best friend's family owned the town hardware store and I spent many an after-school afternoon using the weird bathroom in the basement there, and coveting the bins of black O rings (like the ones Madonna wore as bracelets).

And secondly, I am using this post to experiment with bringing capital letters back into my life. I've been thinking about the grammatical/style/font things that drive me crazy, and the fact that there are undoubtedly persnickety people out there who would never even consider reading my blog because it is (typically) written in such a fey style, no capital letters and all. So. We shall see.


Melissa Crowe said...

Oh, man. That was mean. I got really excited! I'm waiting...

Danni said...

I had never noticed whether you use capital letters.

Liz Woodbury said...

oh good! i thought it was so obvious...

(see, it comes naturally to me NOT to use them, except in case of emphasis.)

mama d said...

I am old enough to have been very aware of the lack of caps, but it did not bother me. When my niece, Amanda, started writing that way in 1992, I was very upset, but I have since adapted. I wish I had offered my mom's house to you on day one of no toilet! Isaac doesn't know what he's missing out in California...

Joanna said...

No toilet!!! Argh.

Hm. I only noticed that lack of capital letters once you pointed it out. I miss the lower-case . . .

(And I now feel self-conscious and can't decide whether to use capital letters in this comment. I seem to switch back and forth based on whatever I last read. I guess that's weird for an English teacher. But not for a poet!)

Liz Woodbury said...

i just can't decide. i am making part of my living as a writer/editor, which makes me feel like i should be...correct. even in my silly blog. maybe.