look what arrived at my doorstep just a few minutes ago, a belated birthday gift from my
bruddie! moments before that, i had been reading about
this cookbook and wishing desperately that i could try
this cashew cream recipe, if only my blender hadn't kicked the bucket a couple of months back. i can't even begin to tell you how excited i am about putting something in this thing and
blending it. thank you SO much, david!!!
That's my blender. I made peach and coconut milk smoothies this morning. So good.
oh wow - do you like it, erin? my family has requested vegan chai milkshakes tomorrow!
Hurray! I'm such a blender addict. I have the Poor Woman's version of that blender (a white plastic Oster). Ours mostly gets used for smoothies or spicy peanut sauce. How do you make a vegan chai milkshake? (I originally mistyped it as a chia milkshake, which is a much different thing.)
you take one chia pet, add some soy milk...
when bean and m were in chicago, they had a milkshake at the chicago diner (great vegetarian restaurant), which they've been itching to replicate. here's their best guess:
vanilla non-dairy ice cream
strong and spicy liquid chai mix (i'm going to try tazo)
extra cinnamon
i'll let you know how it comes out!
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