Wednesday, June 28, 2006

holly's house

i can't think of anywhere i'd rather be than at my best friend holly's house. she has a nice new one which felt BIG at first, but after a few hours seemed exactly right for her and her amazing family. i wish you could get an accurate sense of this gorgeous green color on her kitchen wall from the photo below...

bean serenaded holly and val with her uke, and also tuned maia's wee ukulele (heretofore referred to by her family members as "the little guitar").

holly took us out for pizza last night, and has been plying us with many delicious, cheesy foods, freshly picked strawberries, ice cream, and lots of other goodies.

pizza boys, above, and a sweet-faced maia below.


Anonymous said...

I see that Holly has granite countertops, which is my fondest dream in life, after world peace, of course. Looks like your road trip is going splendidly! The three of us are off to Montreal demain matin for 4 days, staying in an apartment that could be your temporary home later this summer if you choose to go to Montreal!

Liz Woodbury said...

yes, while she noted that the kitchen is not her dream kitchen, she does love the countertops. our road trip is now over, and yours has just begun -- i hope we can figure out a way to go to montreal too!

Anonymous said...

ah, the granite counters came to lucky me by default....lovely, yes, but they are accompanied by curved (yes, CURVED)off-white cabinets...pretty hard to take for someone whose favorite decorating themes are STRAIGHT and DARK BROWN...
we are missing you like crazy...the helmet is in the mail...(i hope the scratches were already on it!)

Liz Woodbury said...

true, not aesthetically perfect, but it is pretty darn big, new and clean!!

we miss you guys too, holly -- both kids mused that they would've liked to stay a whole lot longer at your house as we were leaving. thank you SO MUCH for mailing the helmet! have fun 1)staining your deck and 2)on the cape next week.