Thursday, January 05, 2023

Take omens from the flight of birds

Hello, it's 2023! 2022 wasn't my favorite! But it brought many sweet and beautiful things, as well as some crappy ones. What a lovely holiday celebration we had with the whole family in North Carolina, with (mostly) lucky travel and very lucky health and some of my most favorite humans (and dogs) all in one place together.

Items from the year so far:

  • A game I play sometimes is Floater or Fruit Fly? (It's January, so it's usually a floater.)
  • I met someone this week to put this...if I learned they were a serial killer, it wouldn't totally surprise me? 
  • I've been doing Adriene's 30 days of yoga every day this year*
  • I'm ridiculously delighted with the etymology of inauguration!! 

Okay, on to the important stuff, the internets archaeology:

Why is no one talking about Libby's black jumpsuit?

Best bolster.

In other words, what to do with a whistlepig?


I can't stop thinking about Fishtopher.


*hellloooo, it's January 5

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