Wednesday, October 13, 2010

i am glad for the luck of light

a birthday on a sunny cold october day in maine is a beautiful thing. but first, the bad news:

gah! a birthday flat tire. correctly and instantly diagnosed by the aaa guy as a "curb crunch." it was a loud one, too, right in front of arabica.

still, mark's day was mostly about walking on the beach with zoë and minnow and me and then eating cake and playing poker with friends.

for me it was another day spent thinking "i get to live here." also being grateful that although i only gave mark gifts of random things i found on the ground, the "ground" was the beach, and i found him some good stuff.


Zoë said...

wow, you appear to have a daughter with long blond hair.

Zoë said...

wow, you appear to have a daughter with long blond hair.

Liz Woodbury said...

why, yes, indeed i do! i got some great pictures of you, by the way.