it was mostly stella, most of the time, of course, but bean, boo and i managed to make a few excursions around chapel hill and carrboro. one afternoon we tried on clothes at time after time thrift store, peeked in the window at some cute bags in moshi moshi, bought a graphic novel for boo at chapel hill comics, and picked up a bust magazine at our favorite activist bookstore, internationalist books:

after that, we had us some locopops:

one day we all went out for lunch at gugulhupf (stella too!), and david bought a big bag of german pastries and bread for later. the pastries were unexpectedly delicious, involving much almond paste.
stella's seat at gugulhupf:

bean and boo enjoying delicious cold beverages at gugulhupf (can you tell how much i enjoy writing that word?):

stella's dad. he's not 35. YET.

we tried to shower affection upon cousin miles, the eldest child in the family, without letting him do his special trick (he can leap about three feet straight up in the air). boo bought him a stuffed squirrel:

bean and i made it to our favorite area coffee spot, caffe driade, twice. the mean chai guy was nowhere to be seen.
we also went for walks to the dog park, played lots of games, became addicted to firefly on dvd (not to mention dr. horrible's sing-along blog), cooked yummy meals, and ate ice cream from maple view farm at weaver street. our final night chez stella, we got to see she and him play at the cat's cradle in carrboro. david generously bought tickets for all three of us, and it was a really great show! this illicit youtube video captures my view of the stage pretty perfectly (no, not my video -- but worth watching for a glimpse of zooey deschanel's sparkly headband).
and now, finally, a hint as to why we got a late start on this trip of ours:

1 comment:
Glad you're back! I was talking to Hillary earlier today about my two main fears that have not yet happened in my family: head lice and skunking. Last night while Pierre was walking the now-13-year-old Maisie, they came across a skunk that Peter swears was three feet long! Luckily, they didn't get sprayed, but it got me thinking about my two big horrible fears! And now one of them has come true chez toi! I'm glad it was offset by a great trip.
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