to the right is my trusty ole espresso machine, to the left a little mint plant and a cactus that never dies no matter how many times i knock it in the kitchen sink. and in the background, our garden which also never dies, despite our chronic neglect. it's funny, it surprises me every spring that it seems to be full of blue and purple things, and i think, "i really should plant some pink or white or yellow stuff in there," and then a bunch of pink and white and yellow things bloom, right around the middle of june!

it still needs some work, but last weekend m and i got a bunch of weeds out of it, and just when we were thinking about watering, it rained. so you can see lamb's ears, boo's strawberry plant, a pretty yellow lily of some sort, yarrow, catmint, pink poppies, johnson's blue geraniums, purple weedy tall guys that need to be staked (and divided -- and i can't remember what they are called), and a white peony getting ready to bloom, too.
plus, there's bean's garden, with some tall irises and other pretties. we need to add a few lupine plants this summer, cause they're her favorite.

Wow! That's beautiful!
C'est tres jolie! Pierre gets discouraged about our garden every May and then, about this time, he remarks on how nice it looks, and he's right! For Father's day, we gave him two pretty irises and a clematis...and a really nice Sea Bag that I'm not sure he full appreciates!
make that "fully" appreciates! I hate typos that I can't correct.
yeah, may is discouraging, and then things tend to go all sprawling and out of control later in the summer... but right about now is perfect garden time, in my opinion. i actually need to plant more later-blooming stuff, i think. if peter doesn't appreciate his sea bag, you'll just have to borrow it! i hope he's feeling much better, by the way.
Peter is feeling well enough to go to work for half a day, where I hope he doesn't spread whatever he has. Nothing like a good codeine-induced sleep to make a person feel better! The foster grandparents association must agree with you about this being the optimum time for gardens: this Saturday is the annual hidden gardens tour, and two of my neighbors' gardens made the cut, including Jeff and Ira next door!
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