(this photo is not elliot and esme -- this is esme and her dad, nathan)
we finally got to meet elliot's new baby sister, esme, last night. she's eight weeks old and awfully cute. she's got fat cheeks, fat little legs, and her mom's chin (plus an extra chin underneath). elliot played with leander and boo and bean in the playmobil theme park which m set up especially for him in the living room, and we ate delicious vegetable sushi (made by bean), sesame noodles (made by me), edamame (boiled in water and salted by me), and green tea cupcakes (mmmmm. but elliot refused, claiming that they were "broccoli cupcakes"). eva and nathan are so great, and their cute babies are pretty great too. elliot named some of the playmobil guys: "god," "rescue man," and "god's wife."
Oh my god, what a cute baby Esme is!!
A J.D. Salinger fan?
Is that with or without an accent on the last 'e'?
Good to see yet another Esme in the world. The name is starting to pick up a bit from what I hear.
- Chris
Is that chris, the father of another wonderful esme? I love that name, too - what a darling little rodd girl !!! can't wait to meet her & see her brother again ....
i need to find out whether or not esme uses that accent on her 'e.' cause i've been wondering the same thing myself.
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