this photo doesn't even need a cranky caption, does it?? no, we've gotten no new slush or snow or freezing slop in the last 24 hours, so i'm not even really complaining here, just illustrating march in maine.
in warmer news, bean is in north carolina for a long weekend of fun and a few college tours. today she and ellen took a tour of warren wilson college in asheville, and bean sat in on a world religion class. they also ate what sounded like some excellent vegan food. the postcard bean got from warren wilson had promised "crocuses, barefoot afternoons, and baby animals down at the farm." i think it was a little bit wetter and chillier than that (although bean reported that it felt extremely warm to her at approximately fifty degrees). she said she liked the school a lot, but that it felt very small and she wasn't sure whether or not she could imagine herself there. tonight they're driving back to chapel hill, and tomorrow she and david will tour duke, just for kicks!
m took boo to miyake for a special treat tonight (spicy crunchy inari rolls, no doubt), and when they get back we're going to watch la vie en rose.
john and i lived in asheville for a year while john tried unsuccessfully to weazel his way into the mfa program at warren wilson. i worked at an alternative reading room which was housed inside the "laughing seed". that was in '93. john was just down there on business - i'd love to go back - it's such a cool town.
the kids and i spent a few days there a couple of years ago -- it's great! we really loved it. i wouldn't mind visiting a college student there at all...
it looks like someone was murdered on our sidewalk! also, did you watch "la vie en rose"? how was it?
yes, someone was murdered there. we buried them in the snow with those adjacent snowshovels.
la vie en rose was good -- marion cotillard was incredible, aging what looked like fifty years. the movie was a little scattered in a funny way, but i think you'd enjoy it.
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