Thursday, February 07, 2008


(image copyright sony pictures classics)

m, bean, boo, and i saw persepolis at the movies last night, and we all loved it. the animation was great, in an interestingly flat way, and the movie was really funny in spots (and made me teary-eyed in others). it's also extremely true to the books. next, i need to drag ma famile to see michael clayton.


Artemis said...

I loved this movie and HIGHLY reccomend it!!

Adam said...

Is it appropriate/interesting for young kids, like j & o?

Mary said...

So glad you loved it too !

did you tell Zoe what I told you to tell her ?

I think it might be too adult for them - what do you think, Lizzie?

Liz Woodbury said...

uh oh, what was i s'posed to tell her?

i think jonah might like it -- the violence is mostly implied, and it's so interesting to look at, funny, etc. but i agree about oona. too scary!