bean's my knitting coach. i've known how to knit for a long, long time (as in, i can make a "knit" stitch. i can make a long, long, endless scarf, for example. i've made many of them in my life, but i've never finished a single one). finally, i am determined to complete a project and figure out enough about this knitting stuff so that i can fix mistakes. at this point, i need bean's help for this -- if i mess something up, i generally pull the whole thing apart and start over again, but she's one of those expert knitters who can examine the stitches and see just what happened and how to fix it.
anyway, bean knitted miss gliss some lovely armwarmers for christmas, from a book i gave her for her birthday, one-skein wonders. i was inspired (plus my arms were chilly), so i'm working on these navy blue arm warmers -- i finished one! i kind of messed up the thumb hole, but it's close enough to perfect for me! now to attempt to get the second one to more or less resemble the first...

wow. i am so impressed. literally. i still can't believe little missy knitted those so quickly. they're so belles.
pretty blue !
Congratulations, and congratulations to your daughter on knowing how to fix mistakes! I either go to an expert knitter friend or rip the whole thing out.
well now you know you can come to my girl for help! probably we should have a knitting club, with bean as the president.
haha! i don't think i'm quite an expert knitter yet. maybe after i finish my first sweater... for example, i can't figure out this adorable pattern than me mum sent me: http://froggiemeanie.blogspot.com/2007/12/golden-compass-hat-happy-holidays.html. what, my friends, is "three needle bind-off"??
oh, durn, you can't see the whole link! well, it's very cute.
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