plus roasted butternut squash...

equals butternut squash risotto! alas, no photo of the finished product. but it was delicious. i kind of love cooking risotto; i think in a funny way it's perfectly suited to my personality. just stirring and stirring and stirring, gazing into the pot to see when the rice soaks up the liquid and ladling a little more in, then stirring some more. it's incredibly meditative, and you can't really multi-task while you're doing it. well, a little, but not much. i roasted the squash at 4:00 in the afternoon, but somehow it was almost 8:00 by the time we sat down to eat (don't worry, i wasn't stirring that whole time).
Yum... I bet that might be good with polenta too.
did you guys see the yummy looking polenta article in wed NYT ? but DON'T look at "embryonic eggs"
mmm, polenta. i had bad luck the last time i tried to make it, though (can't remember why exactly, just that it was a big mess). did you know that polenta and grits are the same thing?
ooh, know what's good? polenta fries -- just cut into fry shapes, baked with olive oil, salt and pepper in the oven.
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