Monday, December 04, 2006

snow, snow, snow

there is beautiful snow falling outside -- it's not supposed to accumulate much, but it's so pretty to look at. boo (home on a mental health day) and m just walked the min around the block, and they came back with snow on their shoulders. we're dreaming of a white christmas!


Anonymous said...

Hey, I scored 60% on the quiz, putting me in the 58th %ile, despite the fact that I've never seen the movie! Kind of started my day off with a bang!

Artemis said...


Liz Woodbury said...

what?? never seen white christmas?? you must come over to my house and watch it with me when it comes up on my netflix queue (might never happen, since certain grinches around here keep adding movies on top of it). we can sip hot chocolate and eat gingerbread while we watch!