cause bean's getting braces! today is part one of the braces adventure (actually part one was
a couple of months back, when she had futuristic x-rays taken and papier mache inserted into her mouth, so i guess this is part two). today's adventure is "separators." i don't know this braces lingo, never having had them myself. the only term i'm familiar with is
ubby gubby, the rubber thing my
brother had several of, each of the first three having been devoured by three different dogs.

so here's today's alt-lunch menu: veggie "chicken" nuggets (ketchup for bean), sliced pears, carrots, and a chocolate vegan cupcake with fluffy white icing.
*menu subject to change without notice.
that was SO much better than school lunch.
oh, good. that is, after all, my goal -- to provide a more delicious and healthier lunch than standard fare. as well as being vegetarian.
braces... good luck. it is very exciting to see the color combos that you can choose from. Max chose red and orange the first time. good fun.
yeah, i was thinking about max a lot when we were at the dentist getting the lecture! ooh, he's so scary. did max get the little blue rubbery things shoved between his molars?
yes. he has them again. next time dr mills is going to file in between max's teeth to give him more room. yuck.
who knew sweet dr mills could be so scary. hopefully it will go by fast for them.
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