Friday, July 28, 2006

sad news

this isn't news to anyone who lives around here, but there are certain out of town fans of portland's famous public market who probably don't know that it's not long for this world. the charitable foundation which has kept it chugging along for eight years is selling the buildings it owns in portland, including the market. rumor has it that the building will be used for offices, sadly. some of the market vendors are planning a move to a smaller location, though, maybe more in line with the size of portland (i.e. SMALL).

boo, bean, and i strolled through the nearly-vacant market the other day en route to the library (i have such a love-hate relationship with our library, but that's a post for another day). i have so many sweet memories associated with the public market, it truly does make me sad to see it go. it's been open almost exactly as long as we've lived here -- when we first moved to portland, the market was brand new, all shiny and exciting, full of hope and full of vendors. i have a vivid picture in my mind of boo as a preschooler, racing around in there with his friend irish, irish's mom terrified that they would fling themselves off the upstairs balcony...


Michael said...

Are you implying that this certain mother is a tad on the neurotic side?! :)

Liz Woodbury said...

of course not!! a certain mother just had a bunch of very little boys running around near a 30-foot (?) balcony!

Michael said...

of course this mother has a case of vicarious vertigo that plauges her anytime her children are higher that 4ft off the ground. makes for lot's of fun times!!

Anonymous said...

oh no, oh NO! that is VERY sad news...(sorry for the delayed comment, it's VERY hot in our computer room...i've been staying away)...i have wonderful memories of the market, too! that is just too darn bad!

Liz Woodbury said...

i knew you would take it hard, holly -- many of my fond memories involve strolling around there with you!

(you mean your PING PONG room, a.k.a. MY room?)

Anonymous said...

yes, ma'am! that's the room in question! ALSO known as the un-airconditioned room!