as per my brother's request, i am posting another lunchbox photo today. boo's lunch: refried bean and cheese quesadillas (imagine that in the voice of napoleon dynamite's grandma, as in "dang kay-sa-dilla"); salsa; corn chips; really good bittersweet chocolate chips for dessert. what you can't see: an apple, and milk on the side.
if you think my slight obsession with this lunchbox and the documenting of its contents is a little odd, check out the world of laptop lunchboxes on flickr! i am not alone... and if you think that's a strange interest (lunchboxes and their contents, that is), imagine the sad world in which a man's primary passion is dunkin donuts.
wow, did you see the vegetarian meals on india air? yum.
Thank you for the lunch updates!
just another reason for me to feel inadequate! your lunches are FABULOUS! when can i contract you to start making mine and sending them on dry ice to connecticut?! they're a darn sight better than a grapefruit, honey pretzels and a slimfast!
OH NO! we must do something about your lunch situation! i'd love to come and live at your house for a while and create gourmet lunches for you to take to school with you every day...ah, just imagine! either that you you should procure yourself one of these magical lunchboxes yourself. there's something about them that inspires creativity, i think.
god. poor guy.
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