Monday, November 14, 2005

goth girls

bean and miss glissando spent the weekend chez mana and pop. this is one of the photos my mom sent. it appears they've been taken someplace dark and cavernous (a crypt? an irish pub?), though they look perfectly content.


charlotte said...

nice red 'x', liz! very goth! i hope this isn't just our computer.

Anonymous said...

it is so dark...i can't see them.

Liz Woodbury said...

oh, blah. i'll work on it, since in the original picture there are actually two young girls...

Liz Woodbury said...

there. that's better.

charlotte said...

i beg to differ.

Anonymous said...

hey, that was River Gods!! where's Michael Flatley?

charlotte said...

my question is: where are those potatoes?