Tuesday, July 26, 2005

i heart johnny depp

six thumbs up from bean, boo and me (two each, that is) for charlie and the chocolate factory, although we all agreed it was shockingly bizarre.


Anonymous said...

now i am really curious. neither of you told me you'd seen it! i was turned off by the whole "backstory" of the dentist father. sounds like that was not a problem? maybe i can get pop to go???

charlotte said...

hmm... i think michaela and i will be making a trip to an air-conditioned cinema in the near future.

Liz Woodbury said...

i knew you'd like the squirrels!!

Liz Woodbury said...

and yes, charlotte, you and michaela should definitely see it and report back to us.

Dr. Hectic said...

DELIGHTFULLY shockingly bizare

Liz Woodbury said...
