Tuesday, July 30, 2019

And if you're worried about one bathroom

Hello from the summertime! Flowers are blooming, sun is shining, greens are green and blues are blue over here. The house* is full, with Zoë and her copain imminent (as in, just a couple of hours!). 

Just posting this non-informational post so that I won't have only one single solitary rabbit-related post for the month of July. 

*the other night I couldn't sleep and one of the things my brain was gnawing on was the fact that we didn't have some sort of guest log book for keeping track of everyone who's ever stayed with us in our house over the past 20 years. I was seized with an impulse to attempt a list, right then in the middle of the night. Summer log thus far = Mom, Holly, Maia, Isaac, Edna, Leander, Jonah. Upcoming = Zoë, Eric, Joya, Oona, Grandma Nancy, Tracey, Bill.

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