Monday, July 23, 2018


I love the tiny glimpse into people's lives I get from what they're pinning on Pinterest. Is Holly thinking of getting an Airstream trailer for real? I know she's mulling over lesson plans and jewelry making. ZoĆ« is making lots of salads, or at least dreaming of salads. She rarely pins recipes for sweets, but when she does, it's something fruity. Emily is excited about her new house (a fixer-upper), and is particularly focused on the bathroom. And the yard — the new place must have a well. Jeannette's been knitting, Amy may be thinking of adding chickens to her flock and swapping out bedroom furniture. Erin covets a beautiful new rug. Megan is still singing, Ella's contemplating a bullet journal. Several friends are interested in bourbon drinks and butt exercises.

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