Tuesday, January 02, 2018


Here I am, rabbit rabbiting a day late (and several dollars short, har har). It feels awkward for January first to fall on a Monday, with January 2/Tuesday acting as the first work day of the short new week of the new year. I continue to remember/forget what day of the week it is...

My resolutions, such as they are:

  • Hiatus from Facebook and sugar, for the month of January. We'll see about the sugar one. It may be most sugar, rather than all sugar.
  • More writing, reading, and music listening.
  • Unsubscribe from emails I always delete, however much I agree with their politics, etc. I am also going to unsubscribe from Twitterers and Facebookers (in February, to be clear) who make me unhappy.
  • Slow down in most things, even walking in the cold and cleaning things. 
  • Make things, especially for other people. 


amanda said...

I am with you on slowing down and paying attention. Happy New Year

Liz Woodbury said...

Thanks, Amanda, you too!

ganching said...

I am just catching up with you and these are excellent resolutions.

Liz Woodbury said...

Thanks, Anne!!