Monday, February 22, 2016

I found some interesting items for you!

Listen to this episode of WTF with Marc Maron, or if you're short on time, go to 3:48 and listen to what he says about Hail, Caesar. At the time of my hearing this, I still hadn't seen it, and Marc and I don't precisely agree on our most and least favorite Coen brothers movies (he is "not a Big Lebowski guy," while I am totally a Big Lebowski guy), BUT I love what he says about them, about this film, and his general enthusiasm and vehemence on the subject. And I agree on Hail, Caesar's excellence, although my opinion might have been very slightly affected by Marc's admonitions. My Mark was enthusiastic too, by the way. It was so funny, with amazing tributes to old Hollywood and a cast of dozens.

More things for you to check out, dear reader:

Hijabi Barbie, so adorable.

I have Zoë and Isaac's cells in my brain, most likely. And they have mine. And also my mom's. And she has mine, and I have hers. Read this mind-blowing article to get your mind blown.

Pockets are my superpower.

I don't have 44 unread issues of the New Yorker looming, but close. If I could afford it, I would do what this writer did, and haul my New Yorkers to a scenic location for a vacation. Just me and my New Yorkers.

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