Saturday, November 15, 2014


Tis the season for Candy Cane Jo-Jos and the smell of cinnamon brooms wherever you go, have you noticed? Mark and I went to India Palace tonight for dinner, and Portland was busy and cold enough to snow (though it didn't). We miss Isaac so much when we eat there, which we haven't done more than a couple of times since he left for school. There's an extravagantly pierced, blue-dreadlocked young woman who's taken his place working there. Herpal, one of Isaac's sweet co-workers, is always pleased to see us. We are planning to eat there on Thanksgiving.

We painted and electricked in the kitchen most of the day (I also ducked out to meet up with some lovely friends for lunch). There are no updated kitchen photos to post yet, because most of what we've accomplished is kind of behind the scenes (wires in walls, putty in holes, sanding sanding, etc).

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