Sunday, August 21, 2011

the odd uneven time

well, she's off again, this girl of mine. yesterday, mark and isaac drove her in the general direction of new york city, pausing for the night at holly's house for a few last hugs and a family sleepover. they will deliver the girl to barnard at some point this morning, where she'll drop her things off and get a first glimpse of her dorm room before she settles in for a week of community service. the three of us will drive back down there next weekend for the official move-in day and orientation, and then it will be for real.

this last week has been a mixture of happy-sad, and while the sad is pretty hard, the happy parts have been truly lovely. on thursday, zoë and i drove up to camden to climb our favorite little mountain, mt. megunticook.

it was so foggy down in camden that we couldn't see the harbor. still gorgeous, but in a strange, above-the-clouds kind of way.

we stopped for perfect iced coffee and a delicious white bean salad at zoot, and then drove that pretty drive back home.

i am an old hand at this girl-off-in-the-world thing, it's true. but still.

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