Saturday, June 11, 2011

i think you look lovely today

sweet graffiti in the bathroom at the nickelodeon, where the three of us went last night to see super 8 (which was really fun) after grabbing a slice of otto pizza.

one more week of school for isaac -- yesterday would have been the last day if it hadn't been for a week's worth of snow days, which is a cruel fact to know. he is making plans for an interesting summer, but he's currently just kind of exhausted from year one of high school. he did really well on his freshman finale, a short speech of sorts that is the first step in the learning shack series of meaningful summings-up that culminates in the emotional senior year final word. next week is finals, fun, and racing cardboard boats.

it may rain all weekend, in which case there are some more movies in store for us.

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