i'd hate for you to imagine that we're still living with the tar paper floor in our kitchen, so here is photographic proof (with gratuitous dog) that we eventually got that stuff off (with the help of a rented wallpaper steamer, hours of scraping, boiling water, a shop vac, and then hours of scrubbing with murphy's oil soap. in case you wondered how it's done).
we are still planning to paint or something, but for now this old, stained, beat-up wood is looking pretty nice in comparison to the floor's earlier incarnations. i am envisioning a homemade hand-braided rag rug tossed on it. i see on the internets that a person can make such a thing herself from scraps of fabric and old clothes! then again, a person can (as i once saw martha stewart do) thatch the entire outside of her house.
Hmmm...I'd have to go thumbs down on the thatching, but the floor looks great!
how about if you hit it with a sander and let it age naturally? it looks really nice!
and i love zoe's room, too!
thanks, guys! holly, we may do just that -- this photo doesn't show that there are a couple of spots where the boards were replaced with different wood, and that there are a few weird gaps here and there. but still, i kind of like it in all its imperfection.
I agree that it would look nice unpainted--and Minnow is NEVER gratuitous!
Lots of people pay lots of money for floors to look like that. I love it.
wow! it looks so good!! you can *make* a rug out of old tshirts. i've always wanted to try:
ooh, i like the looks of that crocheted rug, j. i don't know how to crochet, but i bet i could figure it out.
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