Monday, March 08, 2010


this weekend truly felt like spring -- like spring in baltimore in fact, which is appropriate since we've basically had baltimore's winter this year, while they've had our winter. which is a-okay with me. on saturday, m and i went to see an education after we sat in the sunshine for a while sharing a latte from bard.

and then on sunday, while boo was skiing with some friends (i can't tell you how weird it feels to say that, not being a skier myself. it's as if he were playing polo with some friends. or. something exotic and expensive like that), bean and i took a long, leisurely walk all over the place. we paused to eat bagels from the works in the sunshine. i could've fallen asleep.fifty-five degrees.

and then it was time for our oscar party, complete with ginger beer floats and tiny samosas. if you haven't already watched this trailer for every academy award winning movie ever, i really think you should.


Danni said...

OMG that's hilarious.

Unknown said...

That sounds like a lovely weekend! It was so warm here, too, my walk to the bus no longer resembles a figure skating routine. Also, I saw the list of words you like and couldn't resist telling you one of mine: contumelious (insolently abusive and humiliating). I found it in some disciplinary proceeding against a lawyer...

Liz Woodbury said...

oh, michaela. that's my kind of word!