Tuesday, March 30, 2010


recently, my blog was characterized by a close relative of mine as "goofy." oh, okay -- it was bean. my prose is basically a reflection of the random thoughts running through my head on any given day, edited slightly to keep myself out of trouble. so there you go.

here's a serious, work-related note: we have a new starfish print, and it's so pretty.

above, red and yellow starfish prints on pale pink onesies. it's also available on short-sleeved women's organic tees in pale pale pink.

and now, the goofy details of my life, in no particular order. first, max and bean built a fire pit in our back yard. it may or may not be kosher, but it's awfully cozy.

bean was accepted to the college of her choice, and let me tell you, there was much rejoicing.

this is a picture of our favorite recently tenured philosophy professor wearing a giant rabbit head.


David said...

I don't think your blog is goofy!

Liz Woodbury said...

thanks, david! but then again, i'm not your mother...

Danni said...

I don't think it's goofy either.

Liz Woodbury said...

thanks, danni!

Julie Falatko said...

Maybe "goofy" means something different to Kids Today. I don't necessarily think of goofy being a bad thing. I'd much rather be characterized as goofy than as "deadly serious," personally.

LOVE the starfish prints. And yeah Bean on Barnard!!

Liz Woodbury said...

i agree, julie -- and she says it affectionately, i should add.