it is a very sad day in maine, where voters
repealed a law that made it legal for any two adults of any gender to get married. i am disgusted and furious with about 52% of the people in this state right now, and feeling guilty that i didn't personally do more to fight for
no on one. also, i am compiling a list of the towns in maine where i would never, ever live -- the ones where a majority of people are full of ignorance and hate.
It makes want to breed my own liberal army in the woods...
Here's the thing--I'm from one of those towns, I guess, and it doesn't _seem_ like a hateful place. Maybe a fearful place? Still, clearly _I_ didn't want to live there. ;-)
Oh, boo. His and boo and a heap of tears all around.
When I went to bed last night, No on 1 was leading by 200 votes out of 225,000, so I thought it didn't look good. I didn't even want to go down to see the paper this morning, and when I saw it, I knew my fears had been accurate. I just remember this day a year ago, when we were all so elated about Obama's election, and yesterday Maine had the chance to do something amazing and, I think more out of fear and ignorance than anything else, we blew it! I'm pretty mad at everyone who voted yes, although I don't know any of them personally....
Hey, I think I AM breeding my own liberal army. It's all I've got. Well, that and the fact that my town voted 64% No. But still. Sigh. And sob.
i'm counting on this next generation to set this straight - my kids, david's smart girl, melissa's superhero girl, mama d's brilliant brood, and julie's small army of activists... they can do it!
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