Tuesday, October 20, 2009


you know those dreams where your teeth start falling out? or is that just me?

yesterday i was eating lunch (brown rice stir fried with carrots, onions, garlic, tamari, and sriracha) when a big chunk of one of my back molars just...fell...out of my mouth. i was left with what my tongue (prone to exaggeration) interprets as a gaping crevasse with very sharp edges, and a disinclination to bite down on anything (although it doesn't hurt at all, thankfully). yes, i will go to the dentist, as soon as i can, but in the meantime i'm using boo's braces wax back there and chewing on the left side of my mouth.

for some reason, my crumbling teeth put me in mind of delicious drinkable things, like kefir. i've been wanting to try this new coconut milk kefir, so i bought me some in strawberry flavor. it's good, but i wish it were more sour - maybe i'll try plain next time. my stomach is very happy with it. so is my mouth.


erin said...

I've never had any dental problems (knock on wood) but Jeremiah has crazy ass problems all the time and it just sucks ass.

Sriracha on everything!

And I finally found some almond milk to replace my morning coffee's skim milk. I had been perusing online markets for special things, but they're SOOO expensive. My mom finally found some at an outdoor market (ironically it's last weekend).

Liz Woodbury said...

yay, almond milk! also, i'm glad we share an appreciation for the magical sauce that is sriracha. hey, someday these coconut-based products will make it to a store near you, and when they do i strongly recommend the "creamer" that so delicious makes. yum.

Anonymous said...

I love So Delicious Coconut Milk Kefir! I've only had the plain and the vanilla so far. Now I really must try the strawberry.

Melissa Crowe said...

You do love you some sour, doncha, babe? Sorry about the tooth. And yes--I DO have those dreams. They suck.

Julie Falatko said...

I originally kind of spacily misread this whole thing, that your tooth fell out while you were drinking kefir, which seemed a lot funnier, since kefir is pretty much the opposite of, I don't know, an apple.

Dave was once flossing and a chunk of his tooth flew out and hit me in the head.

Mary said...

oh my poor girlie... apologies for the bad tooth genes

Liz Woodbury said...

i have a dentist appointment in an hour - i only hope it doesn't cost a bazillion dollars!

Liz Woodbury said...

ahh, much better. new tooth, not a bazillion dollars. julie, i'm so happy i'm not the only one.