*won a karaoke contest at school singing come on eileen and you spin me round. his solid education in the music of the eighties has come in handy at last!
*told his friends at school that yes, he only owns one pair of pants (which is not literally true, but might as well be, since he only owns one pair that he will wear), and came home with a piece of notebook paper which had been fashioned into a collection bag and marked "PANTS FOR BOO FUND $." his supporters collected a total of $3.95.
*has no more homework this year.
and this kid

*is coming home one month from today!!! we are picking her up at 1:00 in the afternoon at a hotel in virginia near dulles on july 11.
*is looking like a german girl. for real.
but is that a giant beer she's drinking? it looks bigger than her! you'll be so glad to have her home....i wonder how she'll feel about you gazing lovingly at her all the time!
why yes, that stein bigger than her HEAD? that is a giant beer! i hope she doesn't mind me gazing at her lovingly and following her around wherever she goes!!
OMG that BEER! She definitely needs me to help her drink that. . .
oh, i love her bangs. I've always wanted bangs, but every time I go to get them cut the hairdresser talks me out of it.
I love everything about this post.
I am glad that you posted this, because I was wondering about the pant thing but would've felt weird asking. More power to him; at any given point in time I only have one pair of pants that I want to wear, I only change because society tells me to.
don't let society dictate which pants you wear, jason! i have learned this from my children.
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