Thursday, April 16, 2009

what's your NPR name?

my NPR name is, according to these rules,

*emary saint-georges.

i like it. what's yours?!

*i used my real first name and my real middle name; for the "smallest foreign town you've ever visited," i used the town where (i think) we shyly stopped to order pizza en francais while en route to quebec.


Julie Falatko said...

I think I'd be Juslie Strasbourg.

Robin said...

I think I'd be Robinch Cabrales.
(I put the ch for Cheryl, because the c by itself didn't quite work..)
Thanks for sharing this! Love it!

Jeannette said...

I guess I'm Bjonnie Chale??

Robin said...

My husband would be Dandrew Mouchard... that's def NPR worthy!

My name may also be Crobin Glinado. His is better. Obviously, I've been thinking about this, coming back to leave ANOTHER comment... ah, such is my life.

Liz Woodbury said...

i actually think that works pretty well - robin, i prefer "robinch cabrales" slightly over "crobin glinado." there's something really good about that "ch."

these are all perfect!

- emary saint-georges, npr news

Danni said...

Daniellea Otovalo methinks.

Liz Woodbury said...

danni, that's TOTALLY npr.

KG said...

How about Kathanryn Hallstatt?

Liz Woodbury said...

it's perfect - can't you just hear an npr voice saying the name "kathanryn"?

Unknown said...

Charlortte Kounkané? I don't know what to do with that R.

Liz Woodbury said...

i actually think "charlortte" is perfect - those names that are almost "normal" (but not quite) are quintessentially NPResque, n'est-ce pas, ms. kounkané?

charlotte said...

the best part is that if this had existed when i was nine or ten, i probably would have spent between three and six hours devising names.
