Monday, April 27, 2009

sweet ride

i don't know if i've mentioned that boo (my baby) is going to turn thirteen in may. well, it's true. we really wanted to get him something fabulous for his birthday, so with the help of boo's wonderful grandparents, m let him pick out the most fabulous bike he could find at the great maine bike swap this weekend for an early present. here it is, a vintage fuji road bike that fits him perfectly, is in great shape, is fun to ride, and is a gorgeous shade of almost-turquoise.


margot said...

what an adorable bike! i have been so bad about getting on my bike here, it's just really humiliating since all germans have to take a bike test when they're in elementary school and so i'm even more of an oddity.

Liz Woodbury said...

get on that bike! but even if you don't ride much in germany, i know a bike gang you can join when you get home (just ask david m. about it if you're curious).