Saturday, March 07, 2009


m and boo have actually been pretty intrepid this winter about getting out for the first friday art walks each month, but as i may have mentioned, i've been in more of a hibernation mode myself. i could stand the thought of it last night because 1) we told nathan we'd come by and check out his portraits of the public thing at aucocisco gallery, and 2) it wasn't 70 degrees below zero. from what we could see, nathan did a steady portrait business -- boo got his picture took, and it came out great. the entire series will be posted on the gallery's facebook page eventually.

(the piece above is by lucinda bliss)

we also stopped by whitney art works (i was lured inside by the pictures of rabbits and fawns i could see from the street) and saw this amazing show. of course, i loved the animal-themed pieces, but there were also these incredible, quilt-like fabric pieces by patricia brace that were stunning.

it was weird to have actual conversations with people. you know, like for real, in person -- not on facebook. that's sad, huh? we ran into about twelve thousand people we knew. it was actually kind of nice. i think i'm almost ready to emerge from my winter cave!


Anonymous said...

very very cool. rabbit girl is now inspired by that rabbit piece (& of course COVETS it)xox

Liz Woodbury said...

of course i was thinking of rabbit girl!!!