Tuesday, November 20, 2007

bean is fifteen!

it's true. she went and turned fifteen yesterday! this photo is from way back in the spring -- i didn't take any pictures last night because i was busy cooking a birthday feast. she decided she wanted thanksgiving dinner (since we traditionally eat indian food on thanksgiving), which in our case means tofurkey, mashed potatoes, dressing, gravy, and marinated brussels sprouts. with pineapple upsidedown cake (not a traditional thanksgiving food, just what she was in the mood for). artemis came over, and there was much eating, present opening, game playing, and general celebrating.


Mary said...

happy birthday, beautiful girl !

charlotte said...

and the partying continues! can't wait to see y'all in a few hours.

Artemis said...

wwwww but i toook pictures especially for your blog because I knew that you wouldn't take any wrapped up in all the excitement, look on the camera

Liz Woodbury said...

oh! i'll have to go check out the camera!

Adam said...

What a great birthday dinner! Happy Birthday, Zoe!