happy hyun day to you! we are the proud new owners (well, us and the bank) of a dark gray 2007 hyundai elantra. it has 40 miles on it, most of those from today, when i happily drove it around doing errands that require a car. i should add that as i drove (carefully), i listened with relish and geekiness to the temporary xm satellite radio (temporary because it's only free for three months, but i intend to enjoy it in the meantime). why geeky? well, i programmed in these channels: the bbc world service, music of the '40's, old-time radio drama, and three french stations.
i researched how to pronounce "hyundai" on the internets, and what i learned is that while the correct pronunciation has three syllables (as in, the actual korean pronunciation), in north america the company would prefer us to say it so it rhymes with "sunday."
which could be a possible name for this car -- my ideas so far include sunday, helen, and hermione. any other ideas?
(the photo above is borrowed from the hyundai website, but that's just what she looks like!)
Congrats! May you never receive a school-zone speeding ticket while driving it...
You could borrow the name we gave my car, which for some reason we never use: Mary Star-Racer Snape.
Yay! I liked XMU when we had a rental car with XM...oh, and the Starbucks channel isn't bad.
Don't forget to consider "Hildegarde"!
Oh I definitely vote for Helen - a very good & lucky name & the name of your great grandmother, many many special people. Even if you choose something else, please make Helen the middle name !
Hurrah for a cute and sporty (and dependable) new car -- what fun!
"It sure beats walking home in your PJs" a nosy neighbor was heard to say.
For dependability and long-life, include the name "Don Gato" after the song of the same name.
Yes -- "Helen Hildegarde Don Gato Sunday" -- that's the ticket!
Time to begin screening comments again. . .
i got it elizabeth
so what's it gonna BE anyway?? We're all waiting breathlessly............
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