Tuesday, July 31, 2007

i am

reading: the brambles, by eliza minot, and molecular gastronomy, by herve this, both from the library.

eating: trader joe's almond butter and banana on toasted spelt bread. it's what i crave for breakfast, lunch, and snack.

drinking: cold-brewed iced coffee - decaf french roast with soy milk.

watching: top chef season three; the oc season three; the simpsons; in america.

working: on more shirts for bliss. also anticipating an organic order from whole foods.

dreaming: of sheep. seriously, in one form or another, every single night!!

contemplating: being the mother of a middle schooler and a high schooler; taking an anatomy/physiology class this year; reviving my vegan cupcake factory; working in my garden.

what are you up to??


Michael said...

reading: Harry potter with AA and G

eating: hummus with everything

drinking: tea, tea and more tea

watching: not much.. a random movie now and then. wishing for something fun

working: a little bit of everything..this is when freelancing stinks. I am very stressed about it (notice I am taking the time to blog though)

dreaming: don't remember. the sheep thing is interesting. even literally it's interesting!

contemplating: all the school changes, how to pay for the private school thing, what project should I work on next.

thanks for asking :)

Liz Woodbury said...

i love knowing what you're up to! by the way, i don't remember any sheep from last night. but the two previous nights, there were sheep in my dreams. the second time, it was kind of a sheep, kind of minnow.

Mary said...

last night I had a dream in which Lulu turned into a black French Poodle - what do you think? Almost a sheep ?