yep, plenty o' vegetables roasting in my oven lately... i made some fries by cutting up a sweet potato and tossing it with a little olive oil, some cumin, coriander, and black pepper, and cooking it at 425 for about 30 minutes. i put a heaping plate of them on the table with some healthy-type ketchup, turned my back, and when i came back they had VANISHED.
suspects: bean, boo, artemis, and crazy girl.
just joking. i made the fries for them, my fingers crossed that they wouldn't taste too healthy-like. next we'll see what they think of the tofu "fish" sticks from vegan lunch box.
bean and i liked the tofu fish sticks! i bet m would've liked them, too, if there'd been any left for him to sample.
yum. those all sound good. i just wanted to let you know, i found your blog with these searches:
"except the MINIATURE HORSES!!"
"drunk people for $15"
in doing a google blog search for you using "enormous squirrels", i found not you, but this exciting blog: http://roudog.blogspot.com/2005/09/party-time.html.
hey, miss gliss, thanks for the googlin'! that makes me very happy. but, um, not that i'm any truant officer or anything, but what are you doing home at 9:50 am on a wednesday morning??
That Enoch is really consistently funny!
in my defense, i could totally have been posting on my blog from school. but, in fact, i have a pretty darn good excuse. i'm assuming you wrote that before you heard about gramps? and you sure aren't the truant officer!
well, okay, i AM the truant officer, but no, i didn't know about your gramps when i wrote that. that'll teach me to jump to conclusions -- so sorry, miss gliss.
kidding, kidding. don't you worry your purty li'l head! looking at that picture of sp fries makes me salivate.
come on over, i'll make you some! you don't even have to eat the tofu "fish" sticks if'n you don't want to.
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