sit up straight. you'll never meet the buddha with such rounded shoulders.
Thursday, February 16, 2006
whippet on the run
"bohem c'est la vie! here girl! come back here right now! bohem c'est la vie!"
This makes me really sad! I bet that doggie is pretty scared. Also, I wish they had added an "e" to the end of bohem. Will you please post if you get any further word on her? Like if they find her?
did anyone see the sad article about the lost dog shelter at the airport? there are evidently *many* dogs lost there. they said that after a couple of days, they tend to hide out... how the hell does a dog "escape" from a crate without some doofus human intervention? further evidence that it is a very bad idea for doggies to travel this way...
This makes me really sad! I bet that doggie is pretty scared. Also, I wish they had added an "e" to the end of bohem. Will you please post if you get any further word on her? Like if they find her?
so far, no news of her...i know, it is really sad. she's wearing a little coat, black wool.
did anyone see the sad article about the lost dog shelter at the airport? there are evidently *many* dogs lost there. they said that after a couple of days, they tend to hide out... how the hell does a dog "escape" from a crate without some doofus human intervention? further evidence that it is a very bad idea for doggies to travel this way...
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